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Project 's Vision and Mission

Project Description

Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) have the fundamental right to work, as everyone else, but they face significant organizational and other barriers when trying to find employment  starting from employer attitudes, perceptions, traditional recruitment processes. Additionally, they are typically excluded from targeted diversity and inclusion (D&I) efforts in training and employment. According to Autism Inclusive Employment (E.P, 2021), just 10% of the 5 million people on the spectrum are working, indicating their continued underrepresentation in the workforce.
Employing people with ASD has several benefits for the economy, including increased morale, diverse cultural perspectives, higher profits, productivity, and net income. But given that only a small percentage of businesses prioritize disability in their diversity initiatives, reporting, and strategies, the lack of employment opportunities and discrimination experienced by over half of people with disabilities call for immediate action. 
The European Commission has made disability-inclusive hiring and selection processes a top priority. The Book and Publishing (B&P) sector, which this projects focuses on is another sector challenging for individuals with autism,  starting from social communication difficulties, as many roles require strong interpersonal skills, navigating networking events, interviews, or team collaborations. The need for flexibility and adaptability in some roles contrasts with the preference for structured routines often preferred by individuals with autism. These factors collectively contribute to the barriers faced by individuals with autism in accessing and succeeding in the B&P sector job market.









🟣Autism is a lifelong disability that leads to inequalities and discrimination in various aspects of life, including education and vocational training.

🟣 The IMPRINT project aims to support individuals with autism by promoting inclusive work environments, diversity, and equality.

🟣 The project will align with EU priorities, such as:

    • The Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
    • UN Sustainable Development Goals
    • European Pillar of Social Rights
    • E+ priorities
    • The New European Agenda for Culture

🟣 It will promote merit-based and equal selection and recruitment processes.

🟣 The project aims to empower managers and promote equal opportunities and socioeconomic inclusion.

🟣 It will equip vocational education and training trainers with necessary materials to deliver targeted training on autism-inclusive recruitment and retention.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. KA210-VET-20DCBB6C